Reddit Coding Experiment, Session 2 Notes
This is what we built. Here is the github commit. It’s the same thing as last time except the todo items are sorted alphabetically by a bubble sort that we wrote.
This is a recording of the stream.
Resources and links
Links from this session
- This stream recording
- Next stream TBD
- Github repository
- Worksheet for next time
These links apply generally
- YouTube channel
- Twitter account
- Why am I doing this?
- Subreddit for help and questions
- Github account for the stream code
- Topic suggestions
Stream notes
After each stream I’ll put up a page like this one with resources.
This is the work that we planned out in advance for this session.
This is an export of whatever I used the whiteboard for.
Console history
Technical difficulties this time, sorry. The virtualbox machine crashed because bubble sort is so horrible. I’m switching the environment to use the windows sybsytem for linux in the future so that this won’t happen.
Topic Suggestions
Feel free to recommend or suggest a topic that you’re interested in or that you think would be useful. It can be anything, it doesn’t have to be related to what we’ve done so far.